Learning a Foreign Language – One

Learning a Foreign Language – One

Foreign languages have been offered in education for centuries, but the importance of learning a foreign language in today’s society is growing. With the blurring of borders, international contacts are increasing, such as studying, working, and living abroad....
Flipping the Classroom

Flipping the Classroom

The term Blended Learning is now an integral part of current educational practice. It appears in many methods and lesson ideas. But what exactly does Blended Learning entail? And what does Flipped Classroom have to do with this well-known term? And how does Flipped...
Learning a Foreign Language – Two

Learning a Foreign Language – Two

In the first article of the series ‘Learning a Language’, it was revealed that the immersion method is an effective way to acquire a second language. Within this method, grammar plays a subordinate role, as it turned out. But what does grammar education look like...
When to Start?

When to Start?

Various aspects of acquiring a second language have already been discussed, such as how to learn a second language, grammar, and immersion in practice. But when should you start learning a foreign language? Many primary schools struggle with this and are unsure where...